Translate the following text into English A gentle and beautiful young lady was invited to a hotel. She sat on the sofa and obediently allowed herself to be touched, kissed, and moaned softly. The sound of pleasure filled the air as she was vigorously penetrated, leaving wet marks. 71

标签:gentle, beautiful, young lady, invited, hotel, sofa, obediently, touched, kissed, moaned softly, pleasure, filled the air, vigorously penetrated, wet marks,
简介:温柔气质漂亮小姐姐约到酒店 坐在沙发上顺从揉捏亲吻娇吟美味噗嗤噗嗤大力抽送操穴水印 Translate the following text into English

A gentle and beautiful young lady was invited to a hotel. She sat on the sofa and obediently allowed herself to be touched, kissed, and moaned softly. The sound of pleasure filled the air as she was vigorously penetrated, leaving wet marks. gentle, beautiful, young lady, invited, hotel, sofa, obediently, touched, kissed, moaned softly, pleasure, filled the air, vigorously penetrated, wet marks,

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